Merrymeeting Bay has played a role in human history for thousands
of years. Here is a time line of some important dates and

Merrymeeting Bay's Historic Time Line
- +-3500BC
- +-3000BC Archaic Period, Small Stem Point Culture,'Maritime
Archaic' or Red Paint People (200 years)
- +-1400-1000BC Susquehanna Culture
- +-1000BC-1600AD Woodland or Ceramic Period (techniques
to manufacture clay vessels) corn, squash and bean agriculture
established in MM Bay region. Eastern Abenaki peoples occupied at
least 7 villages along tributaries of Androscoggin and Kennebec
Rivers (nearly 1200 people in one lower Androscoggin village 1620
- Kennebec Indians

- 1600 European Culture beginning to arrive
- 1605 Capt. George Weymouth sails up Kennebec
- 1625 Pilgrims sailed up Kennebec to trade a boatload of corn
for 700 pounds of beaver skins
- 1630's First European settlers from England
- 1637 Merrymeeting Bay called 'Lake of New Somerset' (B'ham
Adv. Vol I. #1)
- 1638 Woolwich settled by John Brown & Edward Bateman
- <1656 Alexander Thwait bought land in B'ham of Indians
& lived there
- 1650-1760 5 periods of Indian 'war' 1st Indian War -
Nine families on north shore of MM Bay killed or made captive by
Indians. Epidemics of European disease deplete Native American
- 1684 Worumbo & 5 other chiefs deeded land to Richard
Wharton land in Brunswick, Topsham, Bowdoinham. British,
Hugonout settlers. Farming, Lumber
- 1669 Thomas Gyles family settles on Merrymeeting Bay (shore of
Lilly Farm)
- 1689 Gyles Family raided by Maliseet
Indians. 9 year old John Gyles, brother James, mother and
sister Margaret carried off to New Brunswick.

- 1700's Native Americans (B'ham Adv 2/76)
- 1717 Indians drove moulting ducks into muddy creeks where"
without either powder or shot they killed at one time four
thousand six hundred" which they sold to the English for a penny a
dozen. Judge Penhallow says this was an annual custom. History
of the Indian Wars in New England
- 1719 Ft Richmond +- .5 mi north of village
(decommissioned 1754)
- 1720 Capt John Gyles, Mr Watkins resettled Cathance Neck B'ham
- 1725 Bowdoinham settled
- 1725 Lovewell's War - all settlers killed or driven off
by Indians
- 1730 resettled permanently
- 1759 Woolwich incorporated
- 1762 Bowdoinham
- 1760's End of French and Indian War. Development increases,
Mills- saw, grist
- 1797 Residents of Bowdoin built road to Cathance Landing,
B'ham at no cost to B'ham

- 1810 Dams
- 1820 Maine Statehood
- 1823 Richmond incorporated
- 1835 Merrymeeting Bay
- 1837 Edwards Dam, Augusta (Bham Advertiser Feb
1977)(B'ham Adv 7/78)
- 1850 Railroad to Bowdoinham
- 1858 C.W. Dexter, steam schooner, built in B'ham. First vessel
to carry auxiliary power
- 1866 Bank Robbery in
- 1880's Coal and chemical fuels
- 1896
- 1898 Merrymeeting Park (B'ham
Adv. 8/85)

- 1900's Tidal reaches of Kennebec closed to harvest of
- 1902 Bowdoinham Burns
- 1920 Merrymeeting Bay little more than a common sewer (local
- 1960's Merrymeeting Bay called "badly polluted", "lifeless"
- 1970's Eagles at all time low (DDT Thin egg shells) (1974-
only 1 breeding pair
- 1970's Water quality begins to improve due to chemical